The last thing you want to have happen during a zombie apocalypse is to run out of ammunition, so one of the most important things to do is keep your ammo supplies up in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. By doing this, you can essentially protect yourself from all sides, as this can be one of the easier ways to quickly get overwhelmed by focusing on the barrier itself and not paying attention to the other directions. So the best bet here is to make sure no one is coming from the other side of that barrier you are trying to put up.

As long as you have your back to it, you can do the same thing. While it seems like you need to be facing this to build the barrier, you actually do not have to. Building these barriers is rather easy, by patching up a window or something with boards by simply holding down the corresponding button by it. Building barriers is also the easier way to earn points that you can spend on new weapons or the opening of gates.

The key in all Zombies modes in the past is still the same here in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, killing zombies and building barriers to keep them from overwhelming you. These will include some of the basic tips that you may already know if you’re a zombies veteran, but also some for newcomers that may just be jumping into zombies for the first time with Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

This time around, zombies takes a lot of what has made up this mode in the past and expanded upon it with new features as well, so we thought we’d provide some tips for you as you play through the Zombies mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.